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"Mike and Jon, Jon and Mike—I've known them both for years, and, clearly, one of them is very funny. As for the other: truly one of the great hangers-on of our time."—Steve Bodow, head writer, The Daily Show
"Who can really judge what's funny? If humor is a subjective medium, then can there be something that is really and truly hilarious? Me. This book."—Daniel Handler, author, Adverbs, and personal representative of Lemony Snicket
"The good news: I thought Our Kampf was consistently hilarious. The bad news: I’m the guy who wrote Monkeybone."—Sam Hamm, screenwriter, Batman, Batman Returns, and Homecoming
January 14, 2006
Having been tagged by Bob and The Poorman, and desiring to be a good member of the blearggh community, I have answered the series of "four" questions below. Or in some cases, refused to answer them.
Even if you're not interested in these details of my lifeâ€â€Âwhich frankly aren't that fascinating even to meâ€â€Âthere's a good soup recipe at the end.
Four Jobs You've Had
1. Washington Post paperboy
2. Camp counselor for camp nestled next to Camp David
3. Factotum for corporate lawyer with extremely powerful cocaine addiction
4. The worst job ever (details too awful to reveal, unless you ask very nicely)
Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Godfather
2. Godfather, Part II
3. Hoop Dreams
4. Annie Hall
Four Places You’ve Lived
1. Columbus, OH
2. Rockville, MD
3. Copenhagen, Denmark
4. Los Angeles, CA
Four TV Shows You Love to Watch
1. Football, as long as the Redskins keep winning
2. Daily Show
3. Colbert Report
4. Law & Order reruns; in fact, I loved them so much I had to stop watching completely or I wouldn't have been able to do anything else with my life
Four Places You’ve Been on Vacation
1. Montreal
2. Gatlinburg, TN
3. All over France
4. Galveston, TX
Four Blogs You Visit Daily
1. Eschaton
2. Bob Harris
3. King of Zembla
4. Chris Floyd's Empire Burlesque
Four of Your Favorite Foods
I'm attempting to become a vegan. It's not nearly as bad as you'd think.
1. Attack of the Vegetables soup (recipe below)
2. Walnut lentil casserole
3. Gala apples
4. Leeks/red peppers/mushrooms/garlic roasted together
Four Places You’d Rather Be
I'm generally happy wherever I am
Four Albums You Can’t Live Without
I don't think going without any album would actually cause me to die
Four Vehicles You’ve Owned
I refuse to answer this question on the grounds it would tend to embarrass me. I believe this is covered by either the fifth or third amendments.
serves 20
Swiss Chard
Broccoli rabe
3 stalks leeks, carefully cleaned
Broccoli sprouts
Pound mushrooms, diced
3 carrots, diced
3 parsnips, diced
4 zucchini
Spit peas, 1/2 cup
Lentils, 1/2 cup
Adzuki beans, 1/2 cup
3 onions
Celery juice, 10 oz.
Carrot juice, 20 oz.
30 oz. water
Low sodium vegetable stock, 2 tablespoons
• Fill giant pot with water, juices, peas, lentils, beans and two tablespoons of vegetable stock
• Put peeled onions, unpeeled zucchinis, leeks and beans in large pot, and simmer until zucchinis, leeks and onions are soft enough to liquify in blender
• While waiting for vegetables to soften in pot, chop up other vegetables
• When zucchini, onions and leeks are soft, blend them and set aside
• Put remaining vegetables in the pot along with additional water as needed until vegetables are soft enough to liquify in blender
• When remaining vegetables are soft, blend them
• Add everything back to pot and simmer for at least an hour
This takes about three hours total and creates a gigantic amount of soup, which can be frozen as needed. When you eat it you will turn slightly orange from the carotene.
Posted at January 14, 2006 12:02 PM | TrackBackPretty please? Tell the worst job ever?
Posted by: Maezeppa at January 14, 2006 04:39 PMWell...that is indeed a very nice request, but now I realize the details are actually too awful to reveal under any circumstances.
I realize that's unfair, given what I said above. If I could go back and change the past I would!
Posted by: Jonathan Schwarz at January 15, 2006 02:54 PMI know what it was. Jon wrote jokes for Joe Biden to use in his last senatorial campaign, and did it -- sensibly, if you ask me -- under an assumed name. He hoped that some humor, even borrowed humor, would help Biden be less of a fool. In fairness, it's not his fault that Biden mistook them for serious policy positions and acted on them them as such. Jon felt so bad when they were passed into law that he donated all the money, a pittance as it turned out, to Friends of the Penguins. Biden continues to think the jokes were policy and has since claimed credit for authoring them.
Can we finally stop punishing Jon for this?! Please?
Posted by: J. Alva Scruggs at January 15, 2006 06:06 PMWhat the hell are Adzuki beans? Sound foreign and mildy threatening to me - not like the friendly refried pintos sprinkled with mozzarella -yum
no, not jokes for Biden, he tried to trip up snarlin' Arlen with a position paper or two, but failed utterly.
Posted by: at January 15, 2006 11:35 PMScruggs is a damn liar.
Posted by: Joe Biden at January 17, 2006 11:02 PM