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"Mike and Jon, Jon and Mike—I've known them both for years, and, clearly, one of them is very funny. As for the other: truly one of the great hangers-on of our time."—Steve Bodow, head writer, The Daily Show

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"The good news: I thought Our Kampf was consistently hilarious. The bad news: I’m the guy who wrote Monkeybone."—Sam Hamm, screenwriter, Batman, Batman Returns, and Homecoming

July 03, 2007

Can't Bring Myself To Care

I just can't manage to care about Libby's sentence being commuted. The case was a teeny-tiny part of the gigantic campaign of deceit that sold the war. It's the gigantic campaign of deceit that matters. And that's something well within the power of Democrats and the U.S. media to expose, if they wanted to. Their refusal to do so is the real problem, not George Bush giving America the finger one more time.

That said, it is frightening for a cosseted middle class white person like myself to see raw power exercised so nakedly. Usually they do it in more subtle ways, or to non-middle class white people, so we can pretend it isn't happening.

Posted at July 3, 2007 12:25 PM | TrackBack

Jon: Your article TELLS me this is that moment I've waited for, our precious moment and I knew that Georgie would ARRANGE this moment, our moment. DO YOU SEE WHERE TAXPAYER CONTROL OF BUDGETS COULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE, A GOOD DIFFERENCE, IN OUR STATE OF AFFAIRS? ( even to be worth the effort for some TAXPAYERS to read and make a personal decision of whether said budget was aggreable or not?) ( finance OVP or not, finance WARS or not?)

Posted by: Mike Meyer at July 3, 2007 01:06 PM

For God, for country, and for Yale.

God? Left for a better universe.
Country? Ha, ha, ha.
For Yale!

Posted by: donescobar at July 3, 2007 01:49 PM

For God, for country, and for Yale.

God? Left for a better universe.
Country? Ha, ha, ha.
For Yale!

Posted by: donescobar at July 3, 2007 01:52 PM

For God, for country, and for Yale.

God? Left for a better universe.
Country? Ha, ha, ha.
For Yale!

Posted by: donescobar at July 3, 2007 01:52 PM

Sorry about that. Computer is from Harvard guy's shop.

Posted by: donescobar at July 3, 2007 02:13 PM

I guess that's three cheers for Yale.

Posted by: SteveB at July 3, 2007 10:36 PM

Think about it, what do you really hate the Dems in Congress for, ain't it for just handing over THE WAR BUDGET???

Posted by: Mike Meyer at July 3, 2007 11:21 PM

Your article TELLS me this is that moment I've waited for, our precious moment and I knew that Georgie would ARRANGE this moment, our moment.

(trying not to make eye contact, hoping he doesn't get off this damn bus at my stop...)

Posted by: SteveB at July 4, 2007 01:16 AM

Yes, this latest debacle somehow made the raw power so visible. Ok, this is my hope, but I think this just might be the tipping point, and maybe for the reasons Jonathan Schwarz identified. I don't really care whether Libby is in jail or not. Don't get me wrong. I'd like to see the whole crew locked up. But the larger issue is shining a big light on the "deceit that sold the war." The pardon, er, commutation, does that. Bush might just have won the battle but lost the war.

Posted by: lilybelle at July 4, 2007 02:25 AM

Bush might just have won the battle but lost the war.


'I dares ya ta step over that line.'
'I'm a-steppin'!'
'Wha— well, ya ain't steppin' over this line!'
'I'm a-steppin'!'
'But not this one!'
'Am too!'
'Best not step over — ooo!'

Posted by: Mike at July 4, 2007 02:54 AM

but where is the end of the cliff?

i think bush had halliburton fill it up with the rubble from iraq.

Posted by: almostinfamous at July 4, 2007 07:02 AM

C'mon guys, the Bush I pardon to Ollie North should've told you everything you need to know.

Posted by: Dunc at July 4, 2007 07:19 AM
That said, it is frightening for a cosseted middle class white person like myself to see raw power exercised so nakedly. Usually they do it in more subtle ways, or to non-middle class white people, so we can pretend it isn't happening.

Subtlety sucks.

I prefer the garish excess of a Michael Bay movie because it speaks to me in unambiguous terms. The whole Libby-Fitz episode had way too few explosions, car chases and shootings. All the action is 6200 miles away, off screen. Bah.

Posted by: Ted at July 4, 2007 08:30 AM