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July 24, 2007

A Sad Performance So Far By Conyers

(video fixed)

John Conyers told a San Diego meeting last Friday that he was willing to consider impeachment of both Bush and Cheney if he received support from others in Congress. I posted the transcript yesterday, and now have the cell phone video, below.

However, Conyers appears to have changed his mind at some point over the weekend. Cindy Sheehan, Ray McGovern and others met with him yesterday to discuss impeachment. (Sheehan and McGovern were two of the witnesses at the roundly-mocked hearings on the Downing Street Memo that Conyers held in 2005.) McGovern's report of the meeting is here. Sheehan writes:

The Congressman claims that there is absolutely no way that impeachment can go forward and when I was nearing the end of my hope I cried out: "So, if the people's house won't help us then we the people have no recourse against the executive branch." To which he replied: "Yes you do, vote the enablers out in '08."

Given the Friday video, this is not at all what people were hoping for. The response from Conyers yesterday was bad enough by itself, but it's particularly disappointing that he would seemingly mislead supporters in San Diego. See for yourself:

Transcript below.

CONYERS: Now, let me close with this one suggestion, is that I need some Members of Congress to come to me and say Mr Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, I heard you were out in San Diego, and they really put it to you, and you made commitments that we don't know if you were just saying, saying something to get out of that hotel alive or were you, or were you serious and here's what we need to do. We need to have three Members of Congress from anywhere come and say, "Congressman, if you... if you are willing to support an inquiry into a resolution of whether there had been acts of impeachability conducted by, the Vice President of, and the President of the United States, that could lead to High Crimes and Misdemeanors, then we will join you if you introduce such a resolution."

SPECTATOR: With House Resolution 333, you have that right now, do you not?

CONYERS: No, I, I, this is something that we are working on right now. We don't have it right now.

SPECTATOR: We do have House Resolution 333.

CONYERS: I'm talking about more. Look. And so let us, let us see how many people would be willing to back us up, in addition to the ones --

SPECTATOR: Maxine Waters

CONYERS: Let, let us, let us stay in close communication. These are decisions that should not be taken lightly. We have, I want to examine and put forward as we move along a close, critical examination of all of the benefits and the costs involved in making this momentous decision. It's easy to say that this is an easy, this is a no brainer, the logic is all on one side, and I wish that were so. If it were so, you would be here congratulating me for doing what you had been asking me and others to do for so long.

So let's think soberly about it. There is no, let's say, now is the time and we don't have to worry about the future. I, with due respect, disagree with that. I have to think about the future. I have to weigh what this, the impact of this is going to be. And, by the way, you probably know, that there is such a thing as the retroactive impeachment process.

SPECTATORS: No, what's that? Tell us more.

CONYERS: If you introduced the resolution of impeachment after the person is gone.

SPECTATOR: Really? Wow!

CONYERS: When, I just, I just want you to know about all of the things. I am so glad that Bill Moyers did what he did. Those CDs and, we have to, print, and we want everybody to listen to them carefully and think seriously on this matter.

Video and transcript by Richard Matthews (I think).

Posted at July 24, 2007 12:30 PM | TrackBack

"Yes you do, vote the enablers out in '08."

Given what he said right before that, I have to agree. Conyers has got to go. There aren't 20 people in the House & Senate combined who deserve to keep their jobs, and Conyers sure as shit ain't one of them.

Posted by: shargash at July 24, 2007 02:41 PM

God this is getting extremely frustrating. Conyers really looked like the one guy we could rely on to get this done and now all he's doing is shining us on. The handwriting is on the wall. The Democrats honestly think they win bigger in 08 if they do nothing now. They all deserve to be voted out.

Posted by: Station Agent at July 24, 2007 02:59 PM

Conyers has been a fraud throughout Bush's Reign of Terror. He knows just what to say to keep the Democratic Faithful believing they have a voice in the party that abuses them relentlessly (however, his earlier comment regarding retroactive impeachment was a screaming indication of what was to come).

"The Democrats honestly think they win bigger in 08 if they do nothing now."

Unfortunately, this ain't a parliamentary game. Democrats want to win, but "winning bigger" doesn't enter their cynical calculation. Every Democrat in Congress could gather at a press conference, pull down their pants and moon the voters who put them there - and they still wouldn't have to worry about any electoral recriminations.

By giving Bush a blank check for the last six and a half years, they have created a situation of desperation wherein voters will reward Democratics regardless of their refusal to uphold their oaths. Which, of course, is exactlly what will end up happening.

When Bush first rolled into office, a common refrain among Democrats was "Give the Republicans enough rope and they'll hang themselves." Well, look around. This is what happens when Democrats go into the rope business.

Just as the rapacious Bush-Cheney Administration is free to act with impunity because there are no consequences from Democrats, so, too, are Democrats free to act with impunity because there are no consequences from the voters who put them in office. Why would Democrats in Congress act on principle when Democratic voters refuse to do the same?

Conyers' contempt for Democratic voters could not be more obvious.

Posted by: Arvin Hill at July 24, 2007 04:18 PM

Hey, stop giving John Conyers such a hard time. He's just following through on a very obvious political calculation: rank and file Democrats will wail and moan, but in the end, where do they have to go? Are they going to sit out the next election? Or vote for the fascist Republicans?

Here's an idea: Conyers and Pelosi think those who are complaining loudly now will still be voting Democrat in the next election. So why not show them they're wrong?

Here's the website for the Green Party: Go there, find the address of your local chapter, and mail them a check. But before you put that check in the mail, make a copy of it, and mail it to Pelosi and Conyers, with an explanation that this is X dollars that they won't be getting because you've had it with the Dems. In your letter, promise to vote Green in '08, and then follow through on that promise.

Otherwise, they have absolutely no reason to listen to you.

Posted by: SteveB at July 24, 2007 06:43 PM

what the hell is the matter with you people? do you really think the dem party is better than the other? well, if you do, it isn't. as an outsider i can tell you that the only, last and tiny hope for america is to reject the two-party charade you've got going. otherwise (and actually, inevitably, since you've been so brainwashed by this "america is the greatest country on earth" crap) you're going the way of germany - short ugly dictatorship followed by long, impoverished remorse. and that's a good thing.

Posted by: Francois Conradie at July 24, 2007 08:06 PM

so it seems the new rallying cry is something on the order of

"VOTE FOR US: WE'RE 1 1/2 per cent less scummy, and we mean well."

Posted by: Jonathan Versen at July 24, 2007 11:44 PM

sorry-- I guess that looks like 11 halves. I meant 1.5 per cent. Do I hear 1.4...?

Posted by: Jonathan Versen at July 24, 2007 11:46 PM

Censure is a bigger joke than Dean Wormer's "double secret probation" in Animal House. At least Delta House got kicked out.

Posted by: Jelperman at July 25, 2007 02:41 AM

Oh yeah! Vote green. Smart. Then the Dems will have even less reason to listen to you, and more to listen to right-wing Dems who actually vote for them.

If you want to oppose these people, do it when they're selected, not at a general election. Get a clue.

Posted by: me at July 25, 2007 04:31 AM

The Congressman claims that there is absolutely no way that impeachment can go forward and when I was nearing the end of my hope I cried out: "So, if the people's house won't help us then we the people have no recourse against the executive branch." To which he replied: "PSYCH!"

Posted by: Dunc at July 25, 2007 05:30 AM
Hey, stop giving John Conyers such a hard time. He's just following through on a very obvious political calculation: rank and file Democrats will wail and moan, but in the end, where do they have to go? Are they going to sit out the next election? Or vote for the fascist Republicans?


Nothing would please me more than to have results similar to the 2004 election repeated.

For one, it would demonstrate the failure of the two party system; the fealty that both parties give to business interests (and let's be real; under everything else, is the economy -- the reason that Democrats are feckless shits). They don't want to be blamed for killing what they perceive is the golden goose.

And secondly, more political damage needs doing; I'm not up to it, nor is there need for me to be up to it, given the drunken damage that both parties are doing.

It's too early for a viable third party (and three parties aren't enough anyway). We need another 8-12 years of extreme dysfunction to radicalize the public.

Yeah, 12 years is about right. Puts us to 2020.

Posted by: Ted at July 25, 2007 07:59 AM

"Oh yeah! Vote green. Smart. Then the Dems will have even less reason to listen to you, and more to listen to right-wing Dems who actually vote for them.

If you want to oppose these people, do it when they're selected, not at a general election. Get a clue."

This sort of thanksraplph nonsense cannot go unchallenged. The argument is that if you keep voting for the dems they will stop doing what they've always done since they gave up being a liberal and progressive party decades ago. Voting for them in the absence of any support for your values is what tells them they can safely ignore you.

Posted by: Bruce at July 25, 2007 08:50 AM

I know, I know... You've always wondered: why don't we have our very own American STASI!

Wonder no more.

Posted by: Bernard Chazelle at July 25, 2007 03:54 PM

NANCY DOES ANSWER THE PHONE. Call Nancy Pelosi@ 1-202-225-0100 and discuss IMPEACHMENT. Call early, call often.

Posted by: Mike Meyer at July 25, 2007 08:10 PM

Jon. OUR George up above, has given us another precious moment, and so LOVED ONES....
DO YOU AS A TAXPAYER, feel it would be to YOUR advantage to have TOTAL control over YOUR TAXES?
DO YOU AS A TAXPAYER, think that YOU AS A MAJORITY could make a few good decisions on how YOUR money's spent and would welcome some measure of control through a final YES OR NO VOTE?
Then the Voter Initiative Political Party of Wyoming is YOUR DOG, and we are looking to EXPAND YOUR WAY.

Posted by: at July 25, 2007 08:24 PM

DAMN MACHINES, last post is me and PS WE DONOT SOLICIT OR ACCEPT DONATIONS. (Mike Meyer, just in case)

Posted by: Mike Meyer at July 25, 2007 08:31 PM

Make that WE DONT ACCEPT DONATIONS. (sometimes you got be willing to help other folks out)

Posted by: Mike Meyer at July 25, 2007 08:38 PM

Voting, no matter how one does it - or if it's done at all - won't change minds any more than toothless petitions and gutless phone calls.

Politicians only understand one thing: Commerce.

If the World Bank showed up in San Francisco tomorrow, does anyone doubt the streets would be filled and much of the city would come to a screeching halt?

Yet San Francisco's hometown girl can say "Impeachment is off the table," and the people who put her there yawn. As long as Pelosi gets away with defying common sense and the rule of law - and the people of San Francisco refuse to hold her to account for her egregious neglect - then nothing will change.

Make it impossible for San Fransisco to go about the business of generating revenue, and see how long Madam Speaker remains impervious to reason.

But, of course, the odds of such a sequence of events is beyond remote. Street action is so retro. And The Left has proven itself incapable of coming together to do anything which isn't expressly approved by the DNC.

That's how politicians are pressured. And it has nothing to do with a ballot box.

Posted by: Arvin Hill at July 26, 2007 01:31 PM

That's all good about financial pressure on Pelosi, but a phonecall is only 50cents or so.

Posted by: Mike Meyer at July 26, 2007 04:22 PM

Considering more people read comments than respond to them - plus the fact I don't care whether one, two or three or three thousand people express displeasure to my selective demagoguery - allow me to say whoopteedoo.

Battle of Seattle? Anti-war marches nearly five years ago? You left out Chicago '68.

Pardon my guffaw.

* * * * * * *

C-O-M-M-E-R-C-E is the key.

Pelosi understands it.

Conyers understands it.

The whole Beltway establishment understands it.

Yet, in "activist" circles, the only time I see or hear the word COMMERCE is in the context of some half-wit proposing a boycott or another half-wit explaining why boycotts don't work.

To those who don't care for the point, or the way I make it, tough doodie. Nobody's making you read it.

Hair-splitting is for coffee shop conversation, but it dilutes my brand: RAGE.

Posted by: Arvin Hill at July 26, 2007 06:52 PM

50 cents and say IMPEACH, how tough can thar be? She don't even ask for your name. (I give mine anyway)

Posted by: Mike Meyer at July 27, 2007 01:30 PM

John Conyer's performance is nowhere near as sad as the dupes that empower these assholes every November. It is We, not Conyers that are to blame for this abomination. May God have mercy on our pathetic, morbidly obese, warmongering souls...

Posted by: at July 27, 2007 06:52 PM

I'm praying to GOD that YOU still got 50cents to make that call with. (whether you do or not is between YOU and GOD.)

Posted by: Mike Meyer at July 28, 2007 09:09 AM