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October 24, 2007

Things To Do

Donate money to Just Foreign Policy. MoveOn and TrueMajority have not made stopping war with Iran a priority. Just Foreign Policy has. Now they're producing videos on Iran and a national tour with former NY Times reporter Stephen Kinzer, the author of All the Shah's Men, about the US overthrow of the Iranian government in 1953. These moves are both wise and creative, so we should fork over some money.

Then, sign up to receive their updates.

• Sign the MoveOn petition calling for Congress not to give telecom companies immunity for wiretapping us illegally for the past six (?) years. It's not impossible to win this one. And certainly doing so would make both the good guys and bad guys take notice. There's a reason the Republicans (and many Democrats) are so anxious to destroy MoveOn.

Posted at October 24, 2007 08:16 PM | TrackBack

take a look at this:

which came from this blog:

and then read this story:

I think I read on this blog that someone could not to wide scale destruction without the world knowing about it. I think they did just that in Lebanon.

I got these links from Moon of Alabama blog.

Posted by: Susan at October 24, 2007 09:32 PM

Tiny Revolution gets results!

This arrived at my inbox today, just ahead of an equally excellent (but less unexpected) message from Just Foreign Policy on the same subject:

Dear MoveOn member,

To be honest, I don't even like to think about the possibility of war with Iran. But here's the unfortunate truth—plans for an aerial attack have been drawn up.1 There's nothing stopping Bush from launching that attack any day. And right now the progressive movement's main strategy for preventing it is simply to hope that it doesn't happen.

To paraphrase my ninth-grade sex-ed teacher, "Hope is not a method." We need to do something. There are increasing indications that war with Iran may be imminent. And experts agree it would be a catastrophe.

So today we're proposing a major campaign to expose the danger of a new war with Iran (see below for details). It'll cost about $200,000, and if we can raise the money, we'll start today. Can you chip in $50?

War would be a disaster. Military officials who've gamed-out a war with Iran say it's a very, very bad idea. "Iran would hit back against US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and activate terrorist allies in the Middle East, further destabilizing a region already struggling with two major wars."2 US troops in the region, Israelis and American civilians abroad and at home would all be at risk.

And it's a real possibility. For months, there's been a stream of leaks and revelations by former Bush administration officials that paint a scary picture: Vice President Cheney and the neocons are quietly maneuvering us toward war with Iran—just as they did with Iraq.3,4

Now, the New York Times reports that Freedom's Watch, a $200 million propaganda machine headed by former White House insiders, has started to press for an attack.5,6 And this past week, Bush and Cheney upped the ante with aggressive statements, even invoking the specter of "World War III."7

Observers across the political spectrum, from Senator John McCain to former Middle East envoy Dennis Ross, say the threat is closer than it appears.8,9 And it's never a good idea to underestimate this president's capacity for recklessness.

We can't run the risk that they're crazy enough to do it. That's why it's so important that we make sure policymakers understand the cost of war, and we pressure Congress not to roll over on Iran. If we can raise the money today, here's what we'll do:

A number of top retired generals and military experts are willing to say publicly that attacking Iran would be a strategic disaster. We'll put them on tour to speak to political leaders, editorial boards and big audiences.
We'll run ads challenging the Bush administration and key presidential candidates—and remind people that the last time we heard many of these phony arguments was in the lead-up to war with Iraq.
We'll commission polling to show wavering politicians that if they stand up against war with Iran, the public will stand with them.
We'll run a major grassroots campaign urging Congress to confront the administration on Iran.
None of us know how likely a strike against Iran really is. But I'm going to do more than just hope it doesn't happen. The signs and signals have become too glaring. We have to act.

Please join in launching this campaign:

There have been a few leaders and organizations within the progressive movement who've consistently sounded the alarm on this issue. Now it's time for the rest of us to join them.

Thanks for all you do,

–Ilyse, Justin, Marika, Matt, and the Political Action Team
Wednesday, October 24th, 2007


1. "Shifting Targets: The Administration's plan for Iran," The New Yorker, October 8, 2007.

2. "Cheney Targets Iran," Rolling Stone, October 18, 2007.

3. "The Redirection," The New Yorker, March 5, 2007.

4. "The Secret History of the Impending War with Iran That the White House Doesn't Want You to Know," Esquire, October 18, 2007.

5. "Big Coffers and a Rising Voice Lift a New Conservative Group," New York Times, September 30, 2007.

6. "Freedom's Watch targeting Iran," Media Transparency, October 17, 2007.

7. "Nuclear-Armed Iran Risks World War, Bush Says," New York Times, October 18, 2007.

8. "Cheney Targets Iran," Rolling Stone, October 18, 2007.

9. Video clip of Sen. McCain in Republican Debate. October 9, 2007.

Posted by: Nell at October 24, 2007 10:24 PM

To save others a bit of Googling:
Their website:
There are six staff and thirteen board members (these are different people). One of the staff Robert Naiman posts fairly frequently at
I don't know if he's ever been front-paged.

Posted by: me at October 25, 2007 01:11 AM