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February 04, 2008

Dennis Kucinich Being Outspent 5-1 In Congressional Primary

If you have some extra cash lying around, whining that it wants you to spend it on a political candidate, there are few better places to send it than Dennis Kucinich's congressional primary. The primary is one month away, March 4th, and the Cleveland Plain Dealer and the Democratic party's right wing is striving mightily to kick him out of Congress: he's being outspent 5-1 by opponents. Needless to say, this is a highly unusual situation for incumbents; usually it's the other way around.

I'm not sure Kucinich's presidential races were the best use of his time, but he's an extremely important person to have in Congress. So if you're so moved, donate to his campaign.

Now I'll turn the microphone over the Congressman:

—Jonathan Schwarz

Posted at February 4, 2008 11:47 AM

I can understand on some level not standing in front of an American Flag as most candidates do when asking for cash or votes, but standing in front of a bad painting of some smurf village or something, and what looks like a ceramic pegasus perched on top of a bong doesn't exactly make me want to give this guy my money.

Posted by: David Grenier at February 4, 2008 12:22 PM

i hope that 'articles of impeachment' is more than enough reason to give your money to this guy, and not be distracted by smurfs and bongs and unicorns.

Posted by: almostinfamous at February 4, 2008 12:44 PM

Wow - I can't believe I didn't hear this news before. There have been grumblings about his refusal to debate his opponent, to which I didn't pay much attention. Who are the big bucks behind his challengers?

Posted by: Aaron Datesman at February 4, 2008 01:35 PM

HELP DENNIS OUT call Nancy Pelosi @ 1-202-225-0100, and get these IMPEACHMENTS going.

Posted by: Mike Meyer at February 4, 2008 05:47 PM

I’m with you ,David!
How can anyone think of voting for a guy who can’t even master the most important skill a politician must have, the money-beg. Most pols get their practice behind closed doors with the K Street crowd, where kneepads are provided at the door and surrogate beggars are under contract, allowing the pol to be above the actual public display of the money beseech. And even if you have no K Street contact, you can kiss enough bolgo-ass to get kos or hamsher to do a fund-raiser. Of course, this means recognizing that Edwards was really the only ‘progressive’ in the presidential race so it was no fair pointing out his actual voting record, or saying that the problem with the dems wasn’t fox but the dem march to the fox tune. So, if when he asks for money and he looks like a preacher of a failing church, trying to tell the truth without sounding desperate, of course it is off-putting to those of us who smell dem victory ( even if it is victory for the same old policies) and would just like to forget those who actually fought in the trenches against the run-to-the-right that has been the dem strategy for the last 28 years. Pre-mature anti-fascists have never had the support of ‘real’ dems (remember the black lists?).
He also hasn’t mastered the second most important political skill, the big-lie. For this you have to first have something to lie about, like your vote for going to war with Iraq, or your vote for all continuing funding of the occupation, or for the bankruptcy bill, or NAFTA, or the patriot act, or.. But that’s DK’s problem, he actually opposed all of those so he is left with nothing to excuse, obfuscate, prevaricate or ignore in his record. We all know practice makes perfect (well, except for the nitwit now occupying the Whitehouse, his lies always seem as unpracticed and transparent as a fiveyear-old’s), and DK just didn’t have enough to lie about to get the skill down. Of course he was a flipper flopper on abortion. Since he was raised as a catholic, went to catholic schools, scrubbed floors to pay for that schooling for he and his sibling ( think there were 7), came from a working class, predominately catholic district, coupled with his vegetarian life-has-value philosophy, to come to the conclusion that it really was about a woman’s right to chose, was an obvious exercise in hypocrisy.
And we shouldn’t forget that he is short and has very pedestrian tastes in art, clothing, friends and political supporters. And then there is his wife. How does a 60 year old with no money, looks or cult leadership rate that kind of woman. I say enough is enough. Dump her and join the rest of us who have never had and never will have a hot woman or see how long she stays when you are no longer one of the high and mighty in congress. (Oh, that’s right, you are not one of the high and mighty, nevertheless…)
But most of all, don’t forget, kos hates him because he is short!

Posted by: john in california at February 4, 2008 07:47 PM

I like the painting and the candidate, and I urge Ohio voters to keep him in Congress. You are lucky to have such an honest man who cares about working people as your representative. I wish I had his equal as mine. I'm still voting for him for President, in our California primary, because the other candidates haven't answered my needs in a President with all their rhetoric. I hope the eventual Democratic nominee shows a little more progressive backbone, as Dennis Kucinich does every day, and proves to me they're really a Democrat after all.

Posted by: Barbara at February 5, 2008 11:38 AM

A Tiny Revolution

Last night he was on the Randi Rhodes show
and he sounded really discouraged.

Randi was asking him how the Bush impeachment
thing was going, and he said (according to my
memory) that it was on the back-burner right now,
that he very much wanted to get back to it, but that
right now he was focused on winning his primary.

Kucinich has been one of the few Democrats to
actually stand up to Bush, so please, please
donate whatever you can!

Posted by: Terry at February 8, 2008 12:26 AM

A Tiny Revolution

Last night he was on the Randi Rhodes show
and he sounded really discouraged.

Randi was asking him how the Bush impeachment
thing was going, and he said (according to my
memory) that it was on the back-burner right now,
that he very much wanted to get back to it, but that
right now he was focused on winning his primary.

Kucinich has been one of the few Democrats to
actually stand up to Bush, so please, please
donate whatever you can!

Posted by: Terry at February 8, 2008 12:26 AM

Sorry about the double post... yet again.

Posted by: Terry at February 8, 2008 12:27 AM