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April 01, 2008

My New Metaphor Simile

Telling the New York Times that William Kristol is a lying propagandist and expecting them to fire him is like telling Tony Dungy that Peyton Manning has the second highest passer rating in NFL history and expecting Dungy to fire him.

"For God's sake, Tony, don't you understand? I've clearly demonstrated through the marshaling of overwhelming evidence that Manning's one of the greatest passers ever! Why haven't you gotten rid of him?!?"

—Jonathan Schwarz

Posted at April 1, 2008 01:57 PM

The NYT has made it Kristol clear that its editorial page should mirror America:

2 Airheads (Dowd, Collins)
2 Conservatives (Brooks, Kristol)
1 Liberal Economist (Krugman)

Is there anything else? Not on the Upper East Side.

Posted by: donescobar at April 1, 2008 02:26 PM

Note: That's not a metaphor, it's a simile.


Posted by: Salty at April 1, 2008 07:13 PM

That's not a metaphor, it's a simile.

For an English major such as myself, this is like being a penguin who's done something embarrassing.

Posted by: Jonathan Schwarz at April 1, 2008 07:43 PM

Personally, I enjoyed Kristol's declaration two columns ago that we've made plenty of racial progress in the US lately.

Also, the FT's resident neo-con, Christopher Caldwell (a thinking man's Kristol, if you will), wrote a not-terrible piece on boycotting trade with China as opposed to its opening ceremonies. Not that he actually advocated this.

Posted by: MonsignorMarmoset at April 1, 2008 11:29 PM

Mickey: What's a metaphor?
Gail: cows.

Posted by: Jonathan Versen at April 2, 2008 10:57 AM