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April 11, 2008

Let Freedom Reign [sic]!

As we know, we are in Iraq merely to support the elected Iraqi government, and in all matters are following their lead. That's why we had to help Prime Minister Maliki with his attack on the Sadrist forces. So let's ask Maliki what we should do now:

ROBERTSON: This week is an important week in the United States. Ambassador [Ryan] Crocker, General [David] Petraeus giving their reports on the state of the surge -- looking ahead on what U.S. troops should do -- U.S. surge drawdown will end in the summer. They are considering a pause, maybe weeks or months to examine when they should pull all American troops out. What do you want the U.S. to do? Should there be a pause in the drawdown? Do you want it to be weeks? Do you want it to be months?

AL-MALIKI: [...] I believe the American forces can draw down. I don't believe the decision for a drawdown should be paused as long as Iraqi security forces -- based on the first agreement the more Iraqi forces move forward, the more U.S. forces move back until all security responsibilities are handed over and coalition forces remain in a support role. And in a support role, you don't need such a big number.

Here's today's top story in the Washington Post:

Bush Backs Petraeus on Indefinite Suspension of Troop Pullout in Iraq

President Bush ordered an indefinite suspension yesterday of troop withdrawals from Iraq this summer...

Fortunately Karen DeYoung and Peter Baker, the authors of the Post article, managed to write 1440 words on the subject without mentioning the views of Iraq's prime minister. Otherwise Americans might have grown confused about how much Iraq is sovereign and all that freedom is reigning.

(The only large news outlet that seems to have quoted Maliki's views when reporting on the "pause" is AP.)

—Jonathan Schwarz

Posted at April 11, 2008 01:16 PM

The note is unbelievable. I mean, really, really, truly unbelievable.

Although, I learned something. I grew up in Eastern Pennsylvania, where the Liberty Bell is a big deal. I always thought the verse was, "Let Freedom Ring".

Now I suspect that it isn't....

Posted by: Aaron Datesman at April 11, 2008 02:07 PM

when Congress and other US Gov't types discuss Iraq I'm often reminded of the opening scene of The meaning of Life when the doctor is annoyed when the expectant mother asks,

"Is there anything I can do?"

and he replies that she's not qualified.

Posted by: Jonathan Versen at April 11, 2008 05:30 PM

Or maybe people think that King said, "Let freedom rein," as in, "Give freedom free reign!" Of course, that begs the question, "What?!"

Posted by: Duncan at April 12, 2008 11:30 AM

Is it just me, or does the "10:26" look like it's in a different handwriting and with a different pen? We all know the theatre that came with this note...

Posted by: tim at April 14, 2008 12:33 PM