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January 20, 2011

Joe "Sweetheart" Lieberman's Long History of Lying About Iraq and WMD

Just as the sun always rises in the east, so too does Joe Lieberman always lie about Iraq and WMD.

This morning Lieberman told Morning Joe that:

LIEBERMAN: ...the evidence is very clear that [Saddam] was developing weapons of mass destruction...Charles Duelfer conducted the most comprehensive report on behalf of our government...he found, and proved I think, that Saddam...was developing chemical and biological weapons.

Lieberman followed up this embarrassing performance with snide condescension toward Arianna Huffington, who was also on the program:

HUFFINGTON: Well, based on this completely unfounded assumption, I sincerely hope for the sake of the country that you do not become Secretary of Defense.

LIEBERMAN: Now Arianna, these are not unfounded. Go read the Duelfer Report.

HUFFINGTON: There is nothing in the report that proves anything that you have said.

LIEBERMAN: I don't think you've read it, sweetheart.

Obviously this is false. The report that Lieberman was referring to was produced by the Iraq Survey Group, headed by Charles Duelfer. The report certainly isn't impartial, given that it was written by U.S. government officials who—as is obvious from the report—felt considerable pressure to spin things in the most favorable possible way for war supporters like Lieberman. So it's even more notable that it says nothing like what Lieberman claims.

Here's the report's conclusion (available on the CIA website) about Iraq's non-existent chemical weapons program:

Iraq unilaterally destroyed its undeclared chemical weapons stockpile in 1991. There are no credible indications that Baghdad resumed production of chemical munitions thereafter...

And here's the report's conclusion about Iraq's non-existent biological weapons program: 1991, Iraqi leaders decided to destroy Iraq’s undeclared weapons stockpile in late 1995, ISG judges that Baghdad abandoned its existing BW program...ISG found no direct evidence that Iraq, after 1996, had plans for a new BW program...

Of course, as noted, this is far from the first time Joe Lieberman has lied about what was found in Iraq. In fact, he usually lies with even more gay abandon than he did today. Here's Lieberman on the Hugh Hewitt Show back in 2007:

HEWITT: Do you think Saddam had WMD in 2002?

LIEBERMAN: Well, look, he surely, even the Duelfer report, which was the most authoritative report, said he had some, and he had a network of chemical and biological experts working on it, and a kind of fallback network on nukes, which is what he really wanted. Here’s the point. In 2002, Saddam himself said he had weapons of mass destruction, and we gave him every chance, pursuant to the UN resolutions, which the U.S. asked for, to come clean and show us that he had destroyed the inventory of WMD that he filed with the UN as a condition of the end of the Gulf War in ’91, and he wouldn’t do it. So you know, I know people look back and say this was some classic colossal act of deceit by our government. I think everybody in the world, and the best intelligence services, frankly, including most people around Saddam Hussein who’ve been interviewed since, thought that he had WMD.

Let's go through these lies one at a time:

1. "The Dueler report...said he had some." False; see above.

2. "...he had a network of chemical and biological experts working on it." False; see above.

3. "...a kind of fallback network on nukes." God only knows what Lieberman's weaselly words are supposed to mean, but here's what the Duelfer report said on this subject:

Saddam Husayn ended the nuclear program in 1991 following the Gulf war. ISG found no evidence to suggest concerted efforts to restart the program. Although Saddam clearly assigned a high value to the nuclear progress and talent that had been developed up to the 1991 war, the program ended and the intellectual capital decayed in the succeeding years.

4. "In 2002, Saddam himself said he had weapons of mass destruction." Completely false. On the contrary, Iraq and Saddam Hussein said over and over again from 1991 onwards, and especially in the run up to war in 2002 and 2003, that Iraq had no WMD.

5. "...we gave him every chance, pursuant to the UN resolutions, which the U.S. asked for, to come clean...and he wouldn’t do it." Completely false. Iraq explained over and over again to the UN what had happened to its WMD programs after 1991. The reports Iraq filed with the UN say almost exactly the same thing as the CIA's 2004 Duelfer report.

6. "...everybody in the world, and the best intelligence services...thought that he had WMD." Completely false. Here's what Alan Foley, who ran the CIA's efforts to investigate Iraq's WMD programs, thought (according to the book The Italian Letter):

There were strong indications that Foley all along was toeing a line he did not believe. Several days after Bush's State of the Union speech, Foley briefed student officers at the National Defense University at Fort McNair in Washington, DC. After the briefing, Melvin Goodman, who had retired from the CIA and was then on the university's faculty, brought Foley into the secure communications area of the Fort McNair compound. Goodman thanked Foley for addressing the students and asked him what weapons of mass destruction he believed would be found after the invasion. "Not much, if anything," Goodman recalled that Foley responded. Foley declined to be interviewed for this book.

On the other hand, to the best of my knowledge Lieberman has never claimed that Saddam Hussein was 2000 feet tall and could shot nuclear laser beams out of his eyes. So I guess we should be grateful for small blessings.

P.S. I would bet $1 million that Joe Lieberman has never read the Iraq Survey Group report.

—Jonathan Schwarz

Posted at January 20, 2011 11:43 AM

Proverbs 6:16-19, "These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."

Posted by: mistah charley, ph.d. at January 20, 2011 12:14 PM

I guess Joe's going to hell, MEANWHILE....???

The Devil's Childern
With no disgrace
Crushed and killed
The Human Race
While they got rich
Off the games of war
What in the Hell
Were you marching for
A silly assed medal
A stupid parade
For all those innocent people
You slayed
After that
You couldn't even get a job
Cause fighting that war
Made you a slob
A sargent, a major
A corporal, lieutenant
Names and positions all invented
You and me and all the rest
Are just a bunch of little pieces
In a game of chess
Its all the same
A third world war
A bloodthirsty massacre
Just like before
Its genocide
Three billion tears
Feeding on a war
Every twenty years.----Run DMC.

Posted by: Mike Meyer at January 20, 2011 12:44 PM

I like how he proved he was right by calling her 'sweetheart'.

Posted by: saurabh at January 20, 2011 06:34 PM

BTW, Mike Meyer, those lyrics should be attributed to Melle Mel, of the Furious Five fame. I wish Run DMC had had conscious lyrics like that, but, they didn't.

Posted by: saurabh at January 20, 2011 06:45 PM

saurabh: THANX, I lost the tape YEARS ago.

Posted by: Mike Meyer at January 20, 2011 08:14 PM

I think we can safely conclude that Joe Lieberman isn't a very nice person.

Posted by: otto at January 20, 2011 08:51 PM

Terrorism seems to bring out the worst in people. Is that a surprise?

Posted by: LT at January 20, 2011 10:29 PM

I don't suppose you'd believe me if I told you American businesses had bid on jobs and had been awarded contracts for building a nuclear reactor would you? Would you be interested in the contractors names?

Posted by: Frankenstein Government at January 21, 2011 03:12 AM

I'd be interested. Are you talking about contracts in the 90s? Or in the early 80s? If the latter, that's hardly what Lieberman is talking about. If the former, that would be big news, indeed. Surprising Colin Powell never talked about it.

Posted by: saurabh at January 21, 2011 03:24 PM

If there are any other Proverbs as good as 6:16-19, I need to read them.

Posted by: N E at January 21, 2011 04:47 PM

They couldn't talk about it. They were compromised. It occurred in the 90's. Let's just say- it was all pre-emptive and leave it at that. The world can be labor the fact that nothing was found. They knew nothing would be found. It hadn't been built yet.

Huge financial commitment- yet there was nothing there. Seems a little fantastic doesn't it?

Posted by: Frankenstein Government at January 22, 2011 12:26 AM

...couldn't talk...wouldn't believe me...let's just say...know nothing...would you be interested...


Posted by: Earth at January 23, 2011 08:01 AM

Are you sure you weren't just watching Arrested Development?

Posted by: saurabh at January 23, 2011 04:18 PM

Good analysis. The only thing I couldn't figure out is why Gore chose him for the vp nomination in 2000. Geez, weren't there any other moderate Democratic voices? Gore wasn't as deft politically as he is on policy issues, but from my point of view, it seemed clear that Lieberman was a klutz -- though his Likkud credentials made him very attractive (I have to admit).

What dope was Gore smoking when he thought of Lieberman as his vp-pick? Good analysis. The only thing I couldn't figure out is why Gore chose him for the vp nomination in 2000. Geez, weren't there any other moderate Democratic voices? Gore wasn't as deft politically as he is on policy issues, but from my point of view, it seemed clear that Lieberman was a klutz -- though his Likkud credentials made him very attractive (I have to admit).

What dope was Gore smoking when he thought of Lieberman as his vp-pick? This one perhaps ?

Posted by: Robert Nagle at January 24, 2011 02:43 AM

Here's Glenn Greenwald's finish to a recent piece, "Bipartisan Praise of Joe Lieberman":

Blood-stained hands are far too common to be bothersome (it's part of the D.C. uniform); servitude to lobbyists and corporations is the central Article of Faith, not a ground for embarrassment or disgrace; assaults on core liberties is how Strength and Seriousness are demonstrated; and "centrism" and "principled independence" are the glorifying names given to status quo perpetuation and loyalty to the factions who run Washington. Lieberman isn't widely admired across the Washington spectrum and in both parties despite his aberrational acts; he's admired precisely because he's the perfect face of what that culture is and what it values.

Posted by: mistah 'MICFiC' charley, ph.d. at January 24, 2011 07:39 AM

I prefer this dope scene:

Posted by: saurabh at January 24, 2011 08:23 PM