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May 12, 2013

We Are So Disappointed With the Corrupt Afghan Government

I'm sure it's tough for many reasons to work for the Sulzbergers and Carlos Slim at the New York Times. But I'd have an especially hard time coming into the office every day and being forced to write paragraphs like this in today's story about Afghanistan:

American and NATO officials in Kabul…said that [development] aid would continue, although the amounts given were likely to be reduced over time. And the Afghan government would have to live up to its commitments to battle corruption and run a more open government for the aid to keep flowing.

It's not just that the New York Times itself uncovered the story of the CIA giving the Karzai government millions in bags of cash one week ago. It's that the bags of cash article was written by the same reporter, Matthew Rosenberg.

Yet here he is today, faithfully passing along the news about how anonymous American officials sincerely want Karzai to be less corrupt. It's like breaking the Eliot Spitzer prostitution story, and then quoting him a week later explaining how he's going to continue paying Ashley Dupré as long as she lives up to his longstanding demand that she be less of a prostitute.

(I have much more sympathy for the payee in both situations. In Karzai's case, he likely remembers that after the Soviets left, their last puppet was castrated, dragged through the streets of Kabul behind a jeep, and then publicly hanged. So you can understand if he wants to keep some cash on hand.)

P.S. Last October Glenn Greenwald and Kade Ellis has a long exchange on twitter with Rosenberg in which he finally acknowledged that the U.S. government may not be 100% trustworthy. Read it to see how resistant Rosenberg was to answering basic, straightforward questions.

P.P.S. It's also hard to be a reporter at the Washington Post.

Several years ago, think tank couple Fred and Kimberly Kagan worked for David Petraeus in Afghanistan. Then they came back and told the world about how we had to stay in Afghanistan indefinitely.

It turns out that, according to great reporting by Rajiv Chandrasekaran, the Kagans were paid nothing by the Defense Department. Instead, they continued to get their salaries from their think tanks, which in turn are largely funded by defense contractors that profit from indefinite war.

Yet Chandrasekaran had to write this without acknowledging that it was funny in any way at all:

Petraeus called them his “directed telescopes” and urged them to focus on the challenge of tackling corruption and building an effective government in Afghanistan, a task they addressed with gusto.

I guess in this case it would be like Spitzer seeing a second prostitute and paying her extra to look into the issue of why Ashley Dupré was such a prostitute.

But the best part is that after having the Kagans look into the issue of how the Afghan government could get less corrupt, David Petraeus went on to become director of the CIA. Maybe he flipped through their report whenever he needed a break from stuffing cash into the plastic bags.

—Jon Schwarz

Posted at May 12, 2013 08:48 AM

This is why WE are exceptional. As far as prostitutes go, a gal has got to eat.

Posted by: Mike Meyer at May 12, 2013 12:07 PM

SO, the current administration is asking Afghanistan govt to end corruption. Well, is the Afghan govt allowed to demand that "America, the shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere" end Lies, Secrecy, Torture, Targeted Assassinations, Drone attacks AND "CORRUPTION".... FIRST!!??

Posted by: rupa shah at May 12, 2013 02:25 PM

While the crack about Spitzer's solicitation of prostitutes is warranted, he was at least willing to take on the Wall Street sociopaths and scared the powers-that-be enough that quite a hefty bit of federal investigative energy was employed in busting the deeply corrosive escort service in NY which undermines the very fabric of polite society. Though the whoring similarities cannot be denied, I don't see the Kagans serving any social or political function that is remotely useful.

Posted by: jeer9 at May 12, 2013 08:55 PM

While the crack about Spitzer's solicitation of prostitutes is warranted, he was at least willing to take on the Wall Street sociopaths and scared the powers-that-be enough that quite a hefty bit of federal investigative energy was employed in busting the deeply corrosive escort service in NY which undermines the very fabric of polite society. Though the whoring similarities cannot be denied, I don't see the Kagans serving any social or political function that is remotely useful.

Posted by: jeer9 at May 12, 2013 08:56 PM

Lies continue to pile up......."habitual disowning" of an individual for convenience should also be added to the above list!


Posted by: rupa shah at May 13, 2013 09:14 AM

Why, oh, why wasn't I born destined to be a petty puppet dictator of some foreign oil bearing country??? The CIA would lavish me with money&hookers&a Swiss bank account full-o-gold. I could dictate all the way up to the time when the angry mob was at the palace gates, at which point I would fly away in a brand new helicopter, just like the embassy guys in Saigon, to retire in a little alpine village.

Posted by: Mike Meyer at May 13, 2013 11:48 AM

How does one categorise "giving award to a war criminal"? Corruption of some sort? NO.... it is worse......


Posted by: rupa shah at May 13, 2013 03:16 PM

Rupa Shah: I signed but I'm guessing he'll get the award. Its how WE roll. I want him to win the surprise vacation to Chile.

Posted by: Mike Meyer at May 14, 2013 12:46 PM

Perhaps Karzai is demanding more money and its become a problem?

Posted by: Mike Meyer at May 17, 2013 01:23 AM